Normally, I'm not very motivated to write. I'm horrible at journaling. I'm one of those people that has to "be in the mood" for the words to come. I have to experiencing it emotionally, right now. Today is one of those days. Even though I am very pregnant, I woke up rested this morning. Nothing hurts horrible today, and both my little girls are being angels. It is the kind of day I am thankful that our next baby is a girl. It's the kind of day where God has given me the patience to teach them how to clean up the spilled juice, not explode and yell. It is the kind of day where I can see how beautiful my girls are on the inside and out; the kind of day where I realize the magnitude of raising little girls to be godly young women. And I break down and cry over the fact that God has entrusted me with such a task. I couldn't feel more honored to be their momma, to be one one that can teach them to be compassionate towards others, to love and care for each other, to be homemakers and someday to be mommies. My mind swirls with all the things I could possible teach them: basic, physical things like reading, cooking, keeping the house, laundry, dishes and the non-physical things like loving God, to be obedient, to care and be emotionally invested in their family. Now a list maker like myself would love to be able to make a list once and totally complete of all the things I need to teach them. Then I can look over it every day making sure I don't forget or leave anything out. Such a list would not only be overwhelming and discouraging but would be impossible to accomplish. I have learned that I need to turn every day over to God and ask him to teach me foremost, then guide me as I teach my girls what they need to learn for THAT DAY. Not a whole lifetime of lessons, just what's needed for today. And what's needed for this particular day? For my girls to know that mommy loves them so much I would give my life for them, that they are stunningly beautiful on the inside and out, and that it is a good day to be kind.